Sleeping is one of those things that we all must do, but good sleep is one of the hardest things to achieve. Do you struggle getting off to sleep? Wake up feeling worse than before you went to bed? Well do not fear, you are not alone. Together we can learn the essentials for better sleep.

There was a time when I had three children under three and in order to keep what was left of my sanity I had to instigate a strict bedtime routine; dinner, bath, massage, story, bed.
The same is absolutely true for adults - a consistent bedtime routine lets your body know what's coming next, which in turn allow for better relaxation because your body expects it and knows you're going to meet its needs.
- Turn off digital devices an hour before you intend to go to bed.
The other problem with these digital devices is that we use them for our alarm clocks too.
Tom and I made a decision at the beginning of the year that we would remove our phones not just from the bedroom, but from our house when we were together.
We got our wedding gift radio alarm from the garage, moved the phone chargers downstairs and vowed to support each other.
It's so sad that I'm even having to write that, but it's such a first world problem and we all need to know we're not alone.
When we're in the house together our phones are not near us, we don't need to contact each other and if anyone important needed us then they have our landline number.
Not only has this helped our bedtime routine but our marriage too - quality time is spent actually together instead of just sitting next to each other doing separate things.
2. Take a warm bath.
In this busy society, where we're always on the go and always finding ways to cut down our time doing things, showers are an important part of life.
Don't get me wrong i'm all for doing things quickly so we can get more done, but sometimes taking time over the mundane brings a whole new level of satisfaction to the task.
I like to make time for a long, hot soak at least three times a week. I add about 6-10 drops of essential oil to one cup of epsom salts and allow to dissolve in a hot bath before I lose myself in it.
My favourite oily combination is 7 drops of Stress-Away and 3 drops of Lavender.
I'll sometimes take a book (non-Uni related of course!) in with me and lose myself in another world - I sleep so good after this!
NB. Epsom salts have a detox effect on the body, ensure you are well hydrated before getting in, drink more during and after your bath too.
3. Ensure your bedroom is a relaxing space.
I struggle with this almost daily.
I get fed up with putting clothes away that by the time I get to mine I often can't be bothered so they're strewn over the floor, with baskets of clean washing piling up.
Whenever I actually put them away and make our bed, I feel so much better for it.
I really need to get in to a better routine of putting clothes away as my sleep definitely improves in a tidy room.
4. Get or Give a Massage
I remember when my eldest was a baby and we attended baby massage sessions, he would fall asleep about ten minutes in to the session. Why? Well because human touch is relaxing.
we were on honeymoon I remember having a massage at the same time as Tom in the same room and we both drifted off.

Why? Because human touch is relaxing.
I'd love to say that I'm lucky enough to have a massage each night, unfortunately i've not managed to convince Tom that this is good thing, so I do the next best thing and massage my feet.
Not only does this help me relax, but I'm on my feet all day, so it releases so much tension from them too.
I've posted my 'Bedtime Foot-Rub' elsewhere but here it is again in case you've missed it.
The few times that I've persuaded Tom to give me a massage, I needed something on hand to use, otherwise he might lose interest in the idea in the time it took me to whip something up, so I purchased a great massage oil called
Ortho-Ease from Young Living and it is simply sublime.

Off topic a little but I also really like Ortho-Sport for a post work-out muscle rub.
Since kids respond so well to human touch too, I often use the foot-rub on their backs for some mummy-child time too!
I've already mentioned four essential oils that I use in my sleep routine: Stress-Away, Cedarwood, Lavender and Peace & Calming.
However, every person is different and reacts to essential oils differently so here are a few other that you may wish to try.
However, every person is different and reacts to essential oils differently so here are a few other that you may wish to try.
- Vetiver - May help relax the nervous system and relieve over-stimulation. NB. This has amazing results when applied to the third-eye - middle of forehead.
- Valerian - Assist restlessness and relax the nervous system.
- Valor - May balance the nervous system and helps strengthen the body and mind; increases feelings of strength, courage, and self-esteem. If you struggle to sleep because your bed-sharer snores then this is AMAZING. As they are getting in to bed apply to their big toe.
- Roman Chamomile - has a warm, sweet, herbaceous scent that is relaxing and calming for both mind and body. Its gentleness makes it especially valuable for restless children.
- RutaVaLa - Promotes relaxation of the body and mind. It helps ease tension and relieve stress. This blend may help overcome negative feelings whilst encouraging a positive attitude and comfort.
I've already touched upon the ways that I use essential oils for sleep; massage would come under the section of 'topical' usage. You may also wish to try some of the options below as well. Alternating topical and inhalation methods is rumoured to help as well.
- The easiest way to receive the benefits of essential oils is through diffusing them. I use a variety of diffusers from Young Living; If you purchase a Basic or Premium Starter Kit then you will receive the new Dew Drop Diffuser (effective as at March 2015). This is a specially designed cold-air diffuser that disperses the essential oils molecules into the air and allows you to inhale them. The molecules of the essential oils are so small that they easily enter the olfactory nerves inside of your nose and into the limbic system, which is the seat of emotions in the body. Diffuse oils 30-60 minutes before bedtime.
- If you do not have a diffuser yet, you can place a one or two drop of essential oil in to the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, cup them around your nose and inhale deeply. Do this for several minutes. I have found this an effective way to use many of my sleep oils. You can, of course inhale directly from the bottle.
- Just like in the Bedtime Foot-Rub recipe above you can make your own sleep time mix to apply to the bottoms of your feet, shoulders, back of your neck or stomach. Just add a few drops to a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba to allow for easier application.
- As mentioned above, taking a bath with essential oils is a great way of getting the benefits of essential oils, both through inhalation and topical application. Add your essential oil to salts before adding to the water so that the oil disperses in to the water.
Sleep Essence - This supplement contains four powerful Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils that have unique sleep-enhancing properties in a softgel vegetarian capsule for easy ingestion. Combining lavender, vetiver, valerian, and Ruta graveolens essential oils with the hormone melatonin—a well-known sleep aid—SleepEssence is a natural way to enable a full night's rest.
NingXia Red - This is my favourite non-oil product that Young Living sell. You might find it odd that I am suggesting taking this drink for sleep, when I also promote it for energy. However, it is full of naturally occurring Melatonin.
This is synthetically re-produced as the main ingredient in common sleeping tablets. When in its natural form melatonin aids in drifting off to ‘good’ sleep but is also important for staying energised throughout the day.
This is synthetically re-produced as the main ingredient in common sleeping tablets. When in its natural form melatonin aids in drifting off to ‘good’ sleep but is also important for staying energised throughout the day.
What other things do you do to help you get to sleep?
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