Do you find the amount of unpronouncable names in our homes scary?​​

You know what I'm talking about...

That feeling when you're reading the back of the shampoo and for all you know it's written in gibberish. 

That feeling when you justify it by telling yourself "they wouldn't sell it if it was dangerous". Ugh.

Enough is enough.

When did it become okay to be blindly led ? To not find the best for our families ? 

No more. 

You deserve better than that. 

Your kids deserve better than that.

You deserve a life full of abundance, purpose and wellness. 

A life you feel proud of. 

A life where you know precisely what goes in and on your body. 

A life not limited by your body. 

Think that sounds too good to be true? It’s not.

Howdy Y'All

Okay, so I realise that "Howdy Y'all" is probably not how you're supposed to kick-off a fancy bio, but really ? I'm so not fancy. In fact, I am anything but. Totes true.

I tell inappropriate jokes. I cuss (sometimes). I'm totally ordinary.

And I believe that life shouldn't be boring; it should epic!

So, with that being said...

I'm Alison Emma Kerks and I'm the chief around these parts.

I'm so glad you have found your way to my little slice of the internet where anyone with a penchant for living life, more naturally, on their own terms can come and connect with other awesome, ordinary, modern day non-hippies.

So how did I even get started with helping others living a life of wellness ? 

Funnily enough I came up with the original idea the week after my third child was born. Yeah. That ONE time where you probably shouldn’t be working.

However, I'm a crazy person who eats, breathes and sleeps online resources, so what was I going to do? Nothing?

Pur-leeze. You see, back in late 2008, I had three children under three, an online business and had started an Open University degree. Crazy? Me? Totally. I think I already mentioned that. 

Was it easy? Helllllll no.

There were a lot of biscuits in the bathroom, tears in the shower, bleeding nipples,  sore bits, demonstrative hand gestures and some heavy swearing (obviously!) throughout that first year.

But you know what? It was SO worth it, and I wouldn’t trade one minute of it. Because now I not only have the ability to juggle potty training toddllers with breastfeeding, whip up a quick nipple cream, regulate my cycle without drugs, help my kids pursue a life of wellness, purpose and abundance, but I have the knowledge and skills to help YOU do it too.


Because I truly believe that being a sheep is crap. And following the crowd is soooo 2000. So, if you’re ready to stop settling and are eager to step into a new life of possibilities and opportunities then let me help you!

What is This?

Well, it isn't your average “lifestyle” blog. You won’t find us preaching about diet or exercise and making you feel guilty that your kids had fish fingers for dinner.

I mean, sure, it’s great if they don't. But honestly ? Most of the time people struggle to make lasting changes when they go in all guns blazin', Which usually leaves them feeling really rubbish and full of self-doubt.

And that feeling really sucks.

Instead, we believe you can take small steps and transform your life in to one that you, and your family, feel proud of.

So sit back, relax, grab a glass of something (preferably water. ha !) and let us talk about ourselves in a totally non-third person way. Because those kinda bios make us cringe.

Here’s how you can get started…

You want options?

I’ve got ’em!

Below are a few ways you can get started down the road to making your life as healthy as it can possibly be.

But be warned: I'm not here to cuddle you, listen to excuses and woo you with tales of how “easy” it’s going to be. I AM here, however, to give you a swift kick up the backside and arm you with the tools and training you need to get moving in the right direction.

Because it’s nice to say you want to build a healthier life, but I’d rather cut the chit chat and just build the damn thing. So here’s how we can do that…together:

» Jam with us on Facebook
Craving a posse of like-minded people that just “get” you and don’t just think you’re doing “that hippy thing”?

» Give your Wellness Toolkit a boost
Our Wellness Toolkit needs to be diverse to have the greatest impact.

I am seriously impressed you’re still with me all the way down here at the bottom of this page. And I dig the dedication. So now let’s put that dedication to good use and get you started down the road to wellenss purpose and abundace, shall we?

pssssst…That’s your cue to click one of the links above and get started now!

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